Thursday, October 15, 2020

Massages Are Not Only Relaxing But Also Have Health Benefits

Massages Are Not Only Relaxing But Also Have Health Benefits

It Decreases The Production Of The Stress Hormone, Improves Posture And Loosens Muscles

Massages not only feel good but also have health benefits. It fights stress and anxiety, increasing blood flow to areas of the brain which regulate mood and stress. According to a study, the hormone cortisol, related to stress, decreased by 31% after a massage session, and dopamine and serotonin, hormones associated with happiness and a good mood, increased by 30%. It also has physiological benefits, improving posture and loosening muscles locked into painful positions. It also decreases muscular pain after a workout session, relaxing the areas that are tightened up. A 10-minute massage session can reduce the soreness by 30%. Massages have also benefits in the immune system, increasing the production of white blood cells Click here for more info.


1 comment:

  1. intacaine jelly is used to numb the lining of the mouth, throat, or nose before specific medical procedures. it is also used to relieve pain caused by swelling of the urinary tract. It works by numbing certain areas of the body that are moist. it is used to prevent and relieve pain during certain medical procedures
